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Novothor is a whole body light therapy device that uses scientifically proven Red + Near Infrared light to help heal injuries, reduce pain & inflammation, relax muscles, activate proper mitochondrial respiration + reduce Oxidative stress while increasing blood flow. This Therapy is called Photobiomodulation (PBM)
Drugs cover pain up by interfering with chemical signals. NovoTHOR Full Body PBM actually helps heal the source of the pain - Inflammation; relieving muscular and joint pain.
Whether it's an injury or a workout, NovoTHOR helps you develop muscles, relax them, and improve their blood flow, helping you get back on your feet, faster.
NovoTHOR helps in healing your whole body, from head to toe, all at once in less than 15 minutes. As well as activating Stem Cells, it is relaxing & leaves you feeling better than ever.
NovoTHOR improves muscle performance, enhancing the effectiveness of your workout and helping you hit levels you've never reached before.
PBM has been studied in over 500 human trials and 4,000 lab & animal studies (No Placebo here). THOR Photomedicine is considered a 'subject matter expert' by researchers, hospitals, and governmental bodies such as US Congress and the UN.
Leave us your details and we will get in touch with you shortly. If you have any enquiry feel free to contact us.